Got Questions?
Others did too. If you're questions aren't answered in my FAQs please contact me.
Yes. You need a Thermomix® for my recipes and Healthy Lifestyle 6-Week Programs.  But all of my workout programs and guides obviously don't need a Thermo. 

All of my workout guides and programs can be done whether you have a Thermom or not.
Yes absolutely the recipes are suitable with all machine models; TM6, TM5 or TM31.
The THERMOfit Challengers Facebook Group is closed because it is a support group for the people doing one of my 6-week challenge or program.

If you have joined the challenge, requested to join the closed FB group and have been waiting more than 24hrs to be accepted, please send me a message to the THERMOfit With Noni Page
The ebooks are a collection of my recipes; you will receive a PDF to save and reference whenever you like.

The Programs and Challenges are provided via a membership site where you receive access to a recipe ebook, done for you meal plans, shopping lists and lots of educational content to teach you how to live a long term healthy lifestyle. 

You will also have the option to download everything in a pdf ebook format so you can choose your preferred access method.

We've had people in multiple countries purchase the program and I am always asking for their feedback on the availability of the ingredients.

To date, I have not come across anyone that has had much trouble finding anything with the exception of a few minor things that can be found online if really necessary but there is most likely a substitute if you do not wish to purchase online.

The countries the program has been purchased from and where ingredients have not proven to be an issue: United Arab Emirates, Austria, Chile, Cyprus, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Greece, Guatemala, Israel, Iceland, Macao, Malta, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Singapore, United States, Vietnam, South Africa.
Meal Plan & Recipes
At this time, we have a Cookidoo® collection featuring 15 recipes from the 1-week Get Thermomix® Fit with Noni Challenge. The rest of THERMOfit's recipes, including all recipe ebooks, Programs & Challenges, are provided in ebook format and made in the manual cooking function.


They're incredibly easy to follow and are a great way to learn to use the Thermomix® outside of set recipes. I've found that this helps people become really confident and creative using their Thermomix®.

All recipes are Gluten, Grain, Wheat, Refined Sugar-Free. 90% are dairy free and can easily be altered to be 100% dairy free.

The recipes have been created with a similar principles to LCHF (Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fats) and Paleo.  Above is a video that provides further explanation. 
I get a lot of people tell me that even their fussy kids enjoy the THERMOfit food which they are totally surprised about.

I think this is due to most of the recipes being healthy versions of favourites. Eg. A healthy crumb recipe to crumb fish or chicken to be healthy versions of fish fingers/chicken nuggets.
The recipes are made up of simple ingredients that you should be able to buy at any large grocery store.
Yes the recipes are suitable for families and the feedback is very positive in terms of fussy partners and kids enjoying them. You may need to adjust the quantity of the recipe depending on how many you are feeding.You may even have enough to feed the family without making any adjustments however (if doing the 6 week program) you may need to replace your lunch the next day with another healthy option or one of the THERMOfit snacks if everything was shared for dinner the night before.
THERMOfit's Programs and Recipes aren't calorie controlled but more focused on a balance of Macronutrients (Carbs, Proteins, Fats) without counting anything just eating healthy for sustainability. 

The above video I made about the type of eating you will find in THERMOfit's Programs.

Yes you can go ahead as far as you wish in the meal planner as you get access to the whole 6 weeks upfront, not each week etc.

I have the prep column on the side of the meal planner with things already needed for the next day so you can make those even further ahead of time. Meals that are freezable can be made in advance to get ahead that way as well.

I have combined all 6 weeks non perishable items together in one total 6 week non perishable list so that you can be even more organised and have all the pantry items on hand. Then all that needs to be shopped for each week is the fresh proteins, fruit and veg etc.
Special Dietary Requirements
Yes, in most recipes you can change out any ingredients for a similar alternative or simply just leave them out.

However, if you are avoiding both nuts and seeds this program is not suitable for you. 
I have had some people ask about the program being low FODMAP and from what I could see there was only a few changes to be made. These included, leaving out Onion, Garlic and Honey (there is only tiny amounts of honey here and there), swapping Almonds and Cashews for Linseed and Sunflower seeds (Buckwheat can also be used when it's to make a flour)
I recommend you always speak to your medical practitioner before you partake in any new health program. 

Yes I believe the program would suit Type 1 Diabetics. The program is based on Low/Mod GI and Low/Mod Carb intake which can easily be added too if needed.
For example, where there is a meal that is lower in carbs, steamed (or roasted) Sweet Potato/Pumpkin that can be added to the dinner and lunch meals (the ones that have green veg/low carbs only as some wouldn't need it added as it has it already) and a serve of fruit to the breakfast or snack meals that don't already include fruit.
Or please feel free to add anything you like to increase the carbs where needed but it isn't a strict LCHF or Keto program so I believe there wouldn't be much adjusting to do to make it suitable for a Type 1 Diabetic. d
I have tried to cater for the most common food intolerances or preferences which are Gluten, Dairy/Lactose and Sugar.
All recipes are Gluten Free and contain no Wheat or Grains. There is no refined sugar included, only naturally occurring sugars from fruits. About 10% of recipes include Dairy however there are options on how to adjust it to be completely dairy free.
There is minimal and completely optional Soy & Peanuts. Some of the recipes do contain eggs and in most cases they can be simply left out or in other cases an egg free substitute can be used. In the few cases where these 2 options do not apply, such as a quiche/frittata, I recommend you swap that recipe for another recipe.
Overall the program and the recipes is very flexible and easily adjustable should you need too.
Yes, chicken can easily be used as a replacement in any of the seafood, alternatively the seafood can be left out, it could also be a good opportunity to have a vegetarian night.
I recommend you always speak to your medical practitioner before you partake in any new health program.

Kathleen Wincen was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and has completed the 6-week program. Below is her experience. 

"I started the program weighing in at 86.9 kg. I was overweight and really unhealthy. I was diagnosed with type II diabetes and I was strongly against taking medication, as there is research that suggests that metformin is related to early onset dementia. The program offers no grains and traditional wheat products which if you are T2D can affect you daily. The program also takes out sugar and replaces it with natural sugar which has benefited me greatly. My last visit to the doctor my reading was 5.8 which is normal. I have lost 10 kg on the program and I would highly recommend to those that are struggling to get their diabetes under control."
6-Week Program
There is no answer that will be the same for everyone as everyone will achieve different things in the 6 weeks because of their varying starting points, their commitment throughout, any pre existing health conditions, exercise amounts and many other factors.

What I can give you is an idea of what the majority of people do achieve in the 6 weeks based on the feedback I received, which is;
  • Fat loss mainly around their mid section.
  • Due to all the educational videos to give people knowledge on why they are eating and living this way, people finish the program with a greater level of understanding as to what they need to do to continue to get results or maintain the ones they have got long term.
  • Less feelings of guilt around food choices and living life at an 80:20 rule (80% good food, 20% treat time).
  • Feeling better, better understanding around foods/exercise, more energy, more motivated no bloating.
  • Confidence in having a new way of eating and lifestyle that is enjoyable, sustainable and not restrictive.
  • A whole bunch of new healthy delicious recipes that can be made in their Thermo and that they can share with the family.
  • If workouts are purchased: A whole range of workouts that can be done from home or anywhere without needing any equipment or gym membership.
I don't believe there is any issue regarding following THERMOfit's meal plan and breastfeeding and many people have done so however I do recommend you seek your own medical advice. Here are some things to note: The program isn't calorie restricted or food amount restricted so there should be enough to fulfil you and your baby but you may like to add more snack options in between Breakfast and Lunch, Lunch and Dinner, or both whenever required. There is a wide variety of foods which means a wide range of nutrients for you both.

You may want to reduce the spice levels (there's not much chilli spice unless people want to add) but more non hot spices like Paprika, Cumin, etc. You may also wish to leave out/reduce Garlic and Onion.

Everybody has their own preferences when it comes to breastfeeding so I welcome you to contact me if you are avoiding any other specific foods and would like me to let you know if they are in the program or not/what they can be exchanged for.
Yes once you purchase the program you will get instant access to what you need and can start whenever you are ready.

You will start getting the emails/available content in accordance with your order date. With the emails, you can add these in to a separate folder or mark them with a star etc so that they are there for you whenever you choose to start. And as for the log in membership site, all the content will all remain available to you for 12 months.

If you want to do the program more than the one time you will have everything on hand.

I have kept full time workers and busy people in mind when creating the programs.

Day 1 is allocated just for prepping and getting ready to start (for example Day 1 is best to time it on a Sunday and it is just prepping a few things and then Day 2 is a Monday which is the first day of starting to eat from the menu) This is a few hours on that prep day but those things you make will last throughout the whole 6 weeks (frozen).

You never have to cook lunch as it is always the extra serves from the dinner the night before and I have tried to keep the week night dinners to around 30 minutes, sometimes slightly more and sometimes less. Mainly any longer meals have been put on the weekends.

Breakfasts are usually only made every second day (same as with the dinner the extra serve is made for the following day's lunch) are very quick ones through the week and can even be prepped the night before if needed. You have a prep column to look at on your meal planner where if you have time and want to get further ahead you can make these items beforehand.

Basically it works out to be cooking dinner each night and every second breakfast but you get to have 3 meals (and in some cases a snack) each day from that.

Yes. The exercise component is sold separately to my eating programs.

Even if you receive the exercise component as a bonus you do not have to commit to completing these workouts if you are happy with your own routine.
Yes absolutely, it is completely based around being sustainable!
That is my main goal, a program that is so enjoyable and non restrictive that you can just continue on with this way forever therefore achieving and maintaining the results for life.
I provide so much education on how to achieve this long term as that is what I want for everybody.
Most of the people finish the 6 weeks and continue on either immediately or again down the track. Many people have done the program multiple times over and in between just eat thermofit meals that they love and stick to the learnt principles 80% of the time. This is also why I allow an extended period of time to access the content and invite you to complete it more than once so that you are confident and comfortable when you finish.
The THERMOfit program isn't a strict regime at all so it is perfectly fine to adjust to your needs, including fitting it in to your life around your holidays.

When people have a holiday/family coming to stay or something similar booked in between the group challenge dates they choose mainly from these options:

  1. Simply pause where they are up to and come back to that point when they come back. Doing this at the end of a full week is best due to shopping lists and being able to start again from the start of the next week.
  2. If the holiday is planned more towards the beginning of the group start date they can delay their actual start date so they can complete the full 6 weeks without any interruption.
  3. Get started as normal and after they have their planned event, start from the start again.

It is more of a lifestyle change focus program so I encourage you to fit it into your life however you can even if that means amongst the disruptions it is better to do it this way than not at all.

The program is also yours to keep for 12 months so you can revisit it again when you like and also join in on any group start dates in that 12 months for free. No stress!

All workouts have been created with beginner, intermediate and advanced versions of each exercise. This means that even if you haven't done this type of exercise before or haven't exercised in a while, you can comfortably do these workouts. There are videos for each workout so you can do it along with me.
Yes. You do not need to try to "keep up" with my timing in the videos or even complete the full session. It is an individual session not to be compared with anyone else. Just do whatever you can, provided you have given it your all, and you will still get the benefit. I have modifications for most exercises and ways to modify the sessions for all kinds of levels. There will surely be an option you feel comfortable with. Just do your best, that is all I ask of you and all you owe to yourself.
Yes. Whatever your injury or limitation is you can choose any exercise that you can do and are comfortable with to replace any that aren't suitable to you. I give modifications to most exercises however you know your injury/limitation best so if these still don't suit you, simply swap any exercises necessary to suit you best.
The maximum workout length is 30 minutes and the shortest one is just 15 minutes. I do strongly recommend that you warm up properly and stretch afterwards so you might want to allow a full hour for the whole session so that you can cover everything and avoid injury/added soreness.
Yes. The workouts don't require much space at all. You will only need an area of 3m x 3m (9ft x 9ft).
Yes. Age will not hold you back. You do not need to try to "keep up" with my timing in the videos or even complete the full session. It is an individual session not to be compared with anyone else. Just do whatever you can, provided you give it your all, and you will still get the benefits. I have modifications for most exercises and ways to modify the sessions for all kinds of levels. There will surely be an option you feel comfortable with. Just do your best, that is all you need to do.
No. These workouts are listed here for you in case you wish to do one every day. There are recovery session options included if you wish to do these instead of a workout or you can simply have the day completely off. The recovery session options include stretching/foam roller/tennis ball release/yoga. I do recommend you do at least 4 workouts in the week and you will also have access to the sessions for 6 weeks so you can revisit the ones you missed after the 14 days is over.
There is some jumping exercises but these will always have a modified version not including jumping to do instead.
You don't need any equipment to complete the workouts that aren't what is readily available such as a chair/bench for dips.
You are more than welcome/encouraged to add in any extra weight equipment that you have for the strength sessions if you wish.
Yes. Just take things at your own pace and do what you can.You can always come back to the workouts and do them again to see your progress. Also, If you haven't been exercising regularly I strongly recommend you warm up and stretch before the workouts as well as stretching afterwards to avoid injury.
Get THERMOfit With Noni:1 Week Challenge
It's time to blow the dust off your Thermomix® and take charge of your health. Join my FREE 1 Week THERMOfit® Challenge and let's transform your eating habits, starting now!

This challenge is your opportunity to make healthier choices and commit to nutritious eating for 7 days - all with the help of your incredible Thermomix®.

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